Well, I'm daily taking on new challenges. This week I butchered a rabbit. That is not to say I killed (or harvested or whatever term you think fits) the bunny, I am so far running like a little girl in the other direction while my husband handles the life ending portion of the meal. I did however, thaw it out and then dismember it. By. Myself. And photographed the results for you. It went reasonably well, wouldn't you say?
The butchering was in the name of a rabbit pot pie recipe I found in an old book I got from Goodwill on raising small livestock. For the crust I used the same recipe from the America's Test Kitchen book that I used on my peach pie. Next time I'm going to add a bunch more veggies to this concoction, as it tasted darn good but I feel the need to jazz up the prison slop image it projects:
Food needs color, a little on the dish and a little in the food, like so:
This is my go-to treat lately, cantalope cubed in vanilla yogurt with a little bit of granola and honey drizzled on top. YUUUUUUUUUUUUUm.
Life is really just amazing lately. I love this Stay At Home Mom gig. My biggest fear is that money issues will creep up and grab us around the neck and force me back into the workforce. But until that day I'm going to revel in how wonderful this is.
We've had a couple of walks in the desert after Daddy gets home...
The little guy seems to prefer my company to keeping up with the big boys and the dog who set a faster pace than meandering old mama. Im so blessed to have my little escort.
The big boys scout out amazing finds for us, like this:
If I were worth my salt as a blogger I'd have found out what kind of lizard this is but hey, I'm a total amateur. He was beautiful though. He was so perfectly intact, at first we thought he was just soaking up the rays on his little rock. On closer inspection we found the little guy had sadly passed from this realm, leaving a really beautiful corpse. Must've lived hard, huh? Happy Trails little dude.
These pictures (above and below) just make my catch my breath and wonder at the amazing life I'm leading. How can I manage to find anything to complain about?!
Finally, I picked up a needle and some thread and got embroidering today. I'm making myself a key fob. I've got a thing for mermaids, so here's a preview:
I'm not great at it, but I think she's pretty cute. Next post I will have the patience to figure out how to link to the book I got her out of and hopefully show off the finished product.
Have a lovely weekend!