Showing posts with label dishes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dishes. Show all posts

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Vintage Kitchen...

Has yet to materialize. But someday...someday....

Well, someday it will.

For now I collect the dishes I will display when that day comes.

When your thrifting and you turn over a bowl and see something like this:

Does your heart skip a beat? If so, read on. If not, you might think me a nutcase, but let me tell you, there are a lot of us out there! I barely register on the vintage cookware collector nutcase richter scale. I took a quick glimpse at Pyrex and Fire King groups on flickr the other day and WOW the beauty that is out there! My collection is very mundane and run of the mill. Nothing very notable, but OH so beautiful.

I had it out the other day, trying to organize my cabinets before my husband got home so the clutter might not alert him to the fact I bought more dishes that I'm not ENTIRELY sure how I will use. I just can't walk by $1.99 for one of these puppies. One of these days I'll have a nice place to display them and he will see the light.....or maybe not. 

Anyway, I had them out, so I had to take pictures and share:

The blue and white Fire King dishes below are probably the oldest ones I have, from the mid 40s (white one) through the mid 50s (blue one) The rest seem to be from the 70s.

A fading Fire King pattern:


Oh oops, I think that blue cornflower pattern is actually Corningware:

Cutest little bitty Pyrex bread loaf dish:

They sure don't print dishes like they used to!