I've been ignoring the big things this week, like laundry and the laundry room in general, which really needs to be gutted of belongings that have no real home. Instead I've been focusing on the small things, not so noticeable on the "will my husband think I've sat on the couch all week eating bonbons" scale, but just as fun on a personal level.
I'm going back to cloth diapering, which I gave up when Boone was about six months old and started getting diaper rashes...I just couldn't troubleshoot the laundry while working full time. So I have a bunch of fitteds which require covers. I like fleece covers. I went online to find some cheapies, but my subconscious mind revolted and reminded me of all the fleece material I have sitting in my crafting closet. so I got to work and in less than two hours had churned out these two beauties:
Im proud, really proud. Of the soakers, not of my inability to rotate these photos. They are Katrina soakers, it's a free online pattern
Accomplishment number two is a peach pie I made today. On the way back from visiting my family in California last weekend, we stopped at a Central Valley fruit stand and I bought a shit ton of nectarines and peaches for $2.68 - locally bought certainly does pay off! I had peach pie on the mind. Good thing I didn't have anything in mind for the nectarines b/c Boone kept climbing up to the counter and stealing them. Kid was eating them like popcorn. Anyway, turns out that armed with the America's Test Kitchen cookbook I can throw down on a peach pie. Not that I'm picky, and Willie did refuse to try it (what the hell kind of five year old doesn't like peaches? Much less peaches drowning in sugar and cinnamon? Oh well, more for me and Boone and Daddy when he gets home).
Can I just remark on how beautiful peaches are. Beautiful. I dutifully boiled them then tossed them in ice water and sure enough they practically climbed out of their skins themselves. How pretty and refreshing does this look:
If you stick with this blog for any period of time you will learn my oldest son is a shameless camera hog. Anyway, prior to their undressing, we stood there marveling at the peaches, floating in their own personal Arctic Sea as we sweltered in the high 90s. Beautiful.
Then you know the rest, I mixed and rolled and refrigerated and I poked vent holes. Then I cooled. Then I ate....and partway through eating I remembered I would want to blog this later so I took a picture:
So those are the accomplishments. And here is a picture of a bottle:
An old mason jar, rather, that my parents dug up at their house. It was sitting around dirty so I took it home and it shined up like a diamond. I just love this color of glass and so I took a million pictures of it, thought I'd share it. Maybe someday I'll incorporate it into my blog layout.
'Kay, bye :-)